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Poster & Awards


If you have an abstract accepted by the Conference, you might be invited to present a poster in one poster-viewing session. Posters will be displayed in the Exhibition Area on Monday the 07th (the posters will be hanged during entire conference period to contribute for continuous discussions). The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90 cm wide x 120 cm high. Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract. The text, illustrations, etc., should be clear enough to be read from a distance of two meters (six feet). Tacks and technical equipment will be provided for affixing the posters. Please refer to the Final Program for the poster number assigned to you.


The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce award for the best poster presented at LACAME´22. This award is intended for recognition of the outstanding presentation during LACAME´22, for work in which the author has used Mössbauer Spectroscopy itself as a physical technique or any scientific argument based on the Mössbauer effect. A scientific jury, consisting of distinguished scientists, will select the winner poster. Members of the jury will look for significant advances in the scope of the scientific work. The scoring criteria for evaluating the posters will include originality, scientific approach, perspectives for technological uses, and presentation. The awards will be announced at the Closing Ceremony or at some other suitable time during the Conference. The posters will be published on the LACAME´22 website.

© 2022 PRONEX-NNMES, Centro de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo,

Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514. 29075-910. Vitória, ES, Brazil.

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